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Commercial Litigation

What is Commercial Litigation?

To put it most simply, civil litigation is a lawsuit between individuals, where criminal charges are not involved. Any time there are two or more parties involved in a non-criminal legal dispute, what results is considered to be civil litigation. Typically, in civil litigation the parties are suing to enforce or to defend a legal right, and the suing party (the Plaintiff) is seeking to be compensated with either money damages or some action (specific performance.)

A commercial dispute results when one or more of these parties is a business entity such as a partnership or a corporation. Commercial and corporate litigation possess both similarities and differences as compared to traditional civil litigation matters. Understanding the definition of a commercial dispute, and what commercial disputes are, will help clarify those similarities and differences.

Examples of Commercial Litigation :

There are many different types of commercial litigation cases, shown below. Although this list is by no means exhaustive, all of the following types of cases fall under the umbrella of commercial litigation and would be best handled by a commercial litigator.

What Do Commercial Litigators Do?

A commercial litigation attorney is specifically educated, trained, and experienced in litigation aimed at businesses and business-related litigation. Such a lawyer’s role will imply various specific responsibilities depending on if they are tasked with representing a commercial client or an individual in such a case.

What Do Commercial Litigators Do?

There is no simple commercial dispute, but they are unfortunately a part of reality. When faced with a commercial dispute, especially in its earliest stages, the best course of action is to look into a commercial litigation attorney who can help settle the issue before it becomes more complex or costly. A large amount of civil and commercial litigation settles out of court before trial and the key to a cost- and time-effective settlement is having the right commercial litigation attorney in your corner.

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